LED Lights
sports experiences
The spotlight on the athletes, every supporter on the edge of his seat. In a stadium, sport should be the focus. From an impressive light show over dynamic LED boarding to a sublime fan experience: MaxAmaze provides the ultimate sports experience.
LED Boarding
Fan experience
LED Lights
LED Boarding
Fan experience
an ultimate experience
in every sport
High-quality LED lighting and boarding require a carefully thought-out plan, in every sport and every stadium. Thanks to years of know-how and a versatile total package, MaxAmaze can fulfil the specific needs of each club and boost the fan experience.
High-quality LED lighting and boarding require a carefully thought-out plan, in every sport and every stadium. Thanks to years of know-how and a versatile total package, MaxAmaze can fulfil the specific needs of each club and boost the fan experience.
High-quality LED lighting and boarding require a carefully thought-out plan, in every sport and every stadium. Thanks to years of know-how and a versatile total package, MaxAmaze can fulfil the specific needs of each club and boost the fan experience.
High-quality LED lighting and boarding require a carefully thought-out plan, in every sport and every stadium. Thanks to years of know-how and a versatile total package, MaxAmaze can fulfil the specific needs of each club and boost the fan experience.
More sports
High-quality LED lighting and boarding require a carefully thought-out plan, in every sport and every stadium. Thanks to years of know-how and a versatile total package, MaxAmaze can fulfil the specific needs of each club and boost the fan experience.
maxamaze all around
From an intrinsic passion for entertainment, MaxAmaze has grown into an international player in LED lighting, LED boarding and fan experiences for sport stadiums and arenas. The same goes for MaxAmaze as for any athlete: we go further, aim higher and keep striving for more.