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MaxAmaze news
The world of sport is always moving forward, and so does MaxAmaze. In sport stadiums and arenas, we always give our best for organisers, clubs and above all: the public. We are happy to inform you of our latest news.

Revolutionizing the Matchday Experience with Aberdeen FC
MaxAmaze is proud to announce an exciting new partnership with Aberdeen Football Club.
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Sponsorship deal with Millwall Football Club
MaxAmaze is excited to announce our partnership with Millwall Football Club as their back-of-shorts sponsor for the 2024/25 season.
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MaxAmaze heads to the UK
We are thrilled to announce that MaxAmaze is expanding its operations into the United Kingdom!
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Sporza reports about unique stadium experience in Anderlecht
VRT sports news service Sporza recently devoted an article to the renewed football experience at Anderlecht's Lotto Park.
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We are looking for new Amazers
To support MaxAmaze's growth, we are on the hunt for new staff members.
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MaxAmaze shines in the Lotto Park
MaxAmaze operated the controls at the Lotto Park and continues to make his mark on the purple and white football experience.
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Max EQP becomes MaxAmaze
Having earned our stripes in equestrian sports, our team continues its rise as MaxAmaze.
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nothing is out
of our league
Everywhere we go, we want to give audiences an ultimate sports experience. Find out in which arenas and stadiums MaxAmaze has already shared its expertise.